Ask anyone who knows me. I love my work. I might have a little grumble when I get tongue tied over a phrase that is fiddly to say, or a foreign name that I have to write phonetically (and still spend several takes getting it right).
Since I began in the voice-over business my “dulcet tones” have travelled the world; whether it be an IVR recording for Australia, a learning app for children in Switzerland, a narration about an aquarium in Russia or a lengthy proposal for a big presentation in New York, my voice is out there making a contribution to the project.
I get great feedback from clients for my work (which is very much appreciated) but I do often to wonder how my voice has made a difference. Is it more pleasing to phone a company with my voice asking you to hold or giving you message options? Does my voice on an educational app feel reassuring to the little one learning their numbers and letters? As you travel round the aquarium does my explanation of the fish an aquatic life mean you leave the building feeling that you’ve learned something that day? And finally does my corporate authoritative voice that accompanies a major presentation help my client finalise their deal or gain a contract?
Sometimes I get feedback as I get many “repeat” clients and it is really interesting to find out how useful my recording worked for their business. I always like to consider myself as part of a company’s satellite team; I’m not with them at their office or place of work but I am working in my department as a small cog in their big wheel to help grow their business or just simply make things sound nicer!