The Dragon and the Rabbit
I’ve just been reading about the Chinese New Year and for 2015/2016 it’s the year of the Sheep. Years ago I established that I was a Dragon so I decided to research Pia and it turns out she is a Rabbit (she’s quite happy at the thought of being a cute, fluffy Rabbit; I am less enamoured that I‘m a fiery Dragon). However, just for fun I thought I would delve into the traits of both to see how accurate they are…..or not. Jennie – The Dragon Personality strengths of Dragons are liveliness, intellect, energy and excitement. They strive for…

It’s been a tongue twister of a week!
A few weeks back there was a fun thread on a LinkedIn group I belong to where a great deal of voice professionals “fessed up” the words that had them a little “tongue tied”. It’s funny how we’re all different as some of the words that popped up I felt were easier to say than my Achilles heel – aka “digital” and worse….”digitally”. It was quite reassuring to know that I wasn’t the only one who had to do a take or two (or six) when that particular word popped up in the middle of an intricate sentence. However, for…

Now that made me stop and think!
A great deal of my work is freelance and I had the privilege recently of being introduced to a lady from a very large freelancing organisation who had checked out my professional reputation and asked if I would, from time to time, give my views on freelancing to various media sources. After a lovely chat to the lady in question I said I’d be happy to help if she needed me and there we left it. Well yesterday she called to ask if I would be available to talk to a journalist who works for the New York Times and…

2013 Lovely Voice Round-up
2013 was quite simply an amazing year for Lovely Voice and of course it wouldn’t have been so wonderful if it weren’t for my fantastic clients! I have recorded a huge array of narration and think I must have covered every genre imaginable. It’s been an absolute pleasure dealing with clients from all over the world and a privilege to know you are using my voice to enhance your business, bring a smile to a child’s face with a story or that an eLearning programme I have narrated is helping people to learn and grow. I have “met” some amazing…