Lovely Voice – FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
For a great deal of people using the services of a voice of a professional performing voice artist is a “first”, but with more and more companies wanting narration to feature on their websites to make their service or product seem more desirable or a professional IVR in order not to lose that potential customer, professional voice over services are more in demand than ever. I get asked all kinds of different questions posed to me so here’s a selection of frequently asked questions and if I haven’t covered something you want to know, then drop me a line at…

A new talent has joined Lovely Voice!
A new talent has joined Lovely Voice!! Do you ever have a situation where the answer to something is right under your nose? Well in this case, well over my nose as the lady in question is nudging 6 ft tall!! Like all voice talents I have a range of voices I can help you with but now I have someone new on board who is fabulous at voices from very young children through to late teen/young adult. Let me introduce you to my daughter, Pia. She has already successfully completed several voice-over projects for my clients, including two that…

Once you’ve sent your recording…. Where does your voice go and what does it do?
Ask anyone who knows me. I love my work. I might have a little grumble when I get tongue tied over a phrase that is fiddly to say, or a foreign name that I have to write phonetically (and still spend several takes getting it right). Since I began in the voice-over business my “dulcet tones” have travelled the world; whether it be an IVR recording for Australia, a learning app for children in Switzerland, a narration about an aquarium in Russia or a lengthy proposal for a big presentation in New York, my voice is out there making a…

Sing it loud….sing it CLEAR!!!!
I had the opportunity to go out in town last night and enjoy one of the many free concerts being held during the summer. I LOVE hearing live performances – by that I mean people singing live and playing accompanying instruments. The band we saw was great; they performed recent songs from the charts as well as some classics that we all know and love. The group comprised two lead singers – a male and a female, two backing singers and the musicians. Both singers last night were fabulous; the young girl in particular had a fantastic voice. My heart…